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Source Of Minerals Crossword Clue Puzzle Page

If you are looking for the answer to the "Source Of Minerals" crossword clue in Puzzle Page, you've come to the right place! The answer to the clue is "ORE."

by Sangeetha

Updated Jun 17, 2024


Source Of Minerals Crossword Clue Puzzle Page

Source Of Minerals Crossword Clue Puzzle Page Answer

The answer to the crossword clue "Source Of Minerals" with 3 letters is "ORE". This crossword clue recently seen in the Puzzle Page June 17, 2024 Edition.

Answer Explanation

"Source of minerals" leads to the answer "ORE" because ore refers to a naturally occurring rock or mineral deposit from which metals or other valuable substances can be extracted economically. Ores typically contain high concentrations of minerals that are commercially valuable, such as iron, copper, gold, or silver.

The extraction of metals from ore involves various processes, including mining, crushing, and refining, to separate the valuable minerals from the surrounding rock or gangue material. Therefore, "ORE" is the appropriate answer to this clue, describing the primary source from which minerals and metals are obtained for industrial and commercial purposes through mining and processing operations.

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  • It provides nutrients like calcium and iron.
  • Foods like milk and cheese are examples.
  • It helps build strong bones and teeth.
  • Leafy greens like spinach are rich in it.
  • Found in both plant-based and animal-based foods.
  • Essential for overall health and growth.
  • Often fortified in cereals and breads.
  • Includes foods like nuts, seeds, and seafood.
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