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Long Protruding Tooth Crossword Clue Puzzle Page

If you are looking for the answer to the "Long Protruding Tooth" crossword clue in Puzzle Page, you've come to the right place! The answer to the clue is "TUSK."

by Thamizhalagi

Updated Jun 19, 2024


Long Protruding Tooth Crossword Clue Puzzle Page

Long Protruding Tooth Crossword Clue Puzzle Page Answer

The answer to the crossword clue "Long Protruding Tooth" with 4 letters is "TUSK". This crossword clue recently seen in the Puzzle Page June 19, 2024 Edition.

Answer Explanation

"Long Protruding Tooth" corresponds to the answer "TUSK," which typically refers to an elongated, pointed tooth that extends beyond the mouth of certain animals, such as elephants, walruses, and wild boars. Tusks are often made of ivory or other hard materials and serve various purposes depending on the species.

For elephants, tusks are used for digging, lifting objects, and as weapons during conflicts. In walruses, tusks are used to break through ice, haul themselves out of water, and for defense against predators. Tusks can also play a role in mating displays and social interactions among animals. In human culture, tusks have historically been valued for their aesthetic appeal and have been used in art, jewelry, and ceremonial objects. Therefore, "TUSK" accurately identifies the long, protruding tooth described in the clue, fitting the description of a characteristic feature found in several animal species.

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  • A long tooth that sticks out.
  • Like a vampire tooth.
  • Some people have them naturally.
  • Dentists can fix it.
  • Brush it like other teeth.
  • Be gentle with it.
  • Can be adjusted for appearance.
  • Check with a dentist if concerned.
T - S -

Other Puzzle Page Crossword Answers July 04, 2024

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