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Disastrous Retreat Crossword Clue Puzzle Page

If you are looking for the answer to the "Disastrous Retreat" crossword clue in Puzzle Page, you've come to the right place! The answer to the clue is "ROUT."

by Sivasankari

Updated Jun 15, 2024


Disastrous Retreat Crossword Clue Puzzle Page

Disastrous Retreat Crossword Clue Puzzle Page Answer

The answer to the crossword clue "Disastrous Retreat" with 4 letters is "ROUT". This crossword clue recently seen in the Puzzle Page June 15, 2024 Edition.

Answer Explanation

"Disastrous retreat" is answered by "ROUT". The word "ROUT" in this context refers to a chaotic and overwhelming defeat or retreat, often in a disorderly and disastrous manner. In crossword puzzles, clues and answers are connected through various linguistic relationships such as synonyms, definitions, or sometimes even puns or wordplay.

Here, "Disastrous retreat" directly describes a situation where a military force or group suffers a humiliating and catastrophic defeat, which is succinctly captured by the word "ROUT". Crossword solvers deduce the answer by recognizing the correlation between the clue's description and the appropriate word that fits both the clue's meaning and the puzzle's grid.

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  • Always have a clear plan before starting any retreat.
  • Be familiar with the way back or the path you'll take.
  • Bring necessary supplies like food, water, and first aid.
  • Ensure weather won't make the retreat dangerous.
  • Keep your group or team close to avoid getting lost.
  • Use radios or phones to stay in touch if possible.
  • Keep an eye out for any potential dangers.
  • Remain composed and don't panic if things don't go as planned.
R - U -

Other Puzzle Page Crossword Answers July 06, 2024

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