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Crew’s Compartment Crossword Clue Puzzle Page

If you are looking for the answer to the "Crew’s Compartment" crossword clue in Puzzle Page, you've come to the right place! The answer to the clue is "CABIN."

by Shoba

Updated Jun 08, 2024


Crew’s Compartment Crossword Clue Puzzle Page

Crew’s Compartment Crossword Clue Puzzle Page Answer

The answer to the crossword clue "Crew’s Compartment" with 5 letters is "CABIN". This crossword clue recently seen in the Puzzle Page June 08, 2024 Edition.

Answer Explanation

The crew's compartment, commonly referred to as the cabin, is the designated area within a vehicle or aircraft where the crew members operate and manage the vehicle's functions. In an aircraft, the cabin typically includes the cockpit where the pilots control the flight and the passenger cabin where flight attendants ensure passenger safety and comfort.

In a ship or boat, the cabin is where the crew members, such as the captain and sailors, work and reside during the voyage. The cabin may contain various equipment, controls, and amenities necessary for the crew to perform their duties effectively and comfortably, depending on the type and purpose of the vehicle. It serves as the primary workspace and living quarters for the crew while they are on duty.

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  • Crew's room.
  • Staff area.
  • Team space.






  • Worker's quarters.
  • Crew's spot.

Other Puzzle Page Crossword Answers July 04, 2024

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